
Displaying 81 - 100 of 109
Place Street Address Topic Collection Community Structure Type Denomination Ethnicity Tags
"Honolulu Harry's" Waikiki
4541 Broadway
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images ChicagoPC Postcards Uptown Built structure restaurant
Hotel Lawrence
4725-27 Malden Ave.
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images ChicagoPC Postcards Uptown Residence (multi-family) hotel
Graceland Cemetery
4001 N. Clark St.
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images ChicagoPC Postcards Uptown Open space
Michael Todd's Theatre Cafe
Clark at Lawrence
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images ChicagoPC Postcards Uptown restaurant
Lafayette Hotel
4606 N. Racine
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images ChicagoPC Postcards Uptown Residence (multi-family) hotel
Store and office building
4701-15 Broadway
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images American Terra Cotta Company Photographs Uptown Built structure
The Key Tavern
4404 Broadway; 1020 Montrose
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images ChicagoPC Postcards Uptown restaurant
Lawrence Hotel
Lawrence Ave. and Kenmore Ave. at Sheridan Road
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images ChicagoPC Postcards Uptown Residence (multi-family) hotel
North Shore Congregational Church
Sheridan Rd. and Wilson Ave.
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images ChicagoPC Postcards Uptown House of worship Congregational
Store and office building
4701-15 Broadway
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images American Terra Cotta Company Photographs Uptown Built structure
Ribs by Roberts Bar-B-Q
Sheridan Plaza Hotel, 4615 N. Sheridan Rd.
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images ChicagoPC Postcards Uptown restaurant
Hotel Melbourne
4625 N. Racine Ave.
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images ChicagoPC Postcards Uptown Residence (multi-family) hotel
Sheridan Park Methodist Episcopal Church
Sheridan Rd. near Montrose Ave.
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images ChicagoPC Postcards Uptown House of worship Episcopal
Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company record office
Lawrence and Ravenswood Avenue
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images American Terra Cotta Company Photographs Uptown Business
Via Lago Cafe
837 Wilson Ave.
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images ChicagoPC Postcards Uptown restaurant
Norman Hotel
Wilson Ave. and Beacon St.
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images ChicagoPC Postcards Uptown Residence (multi-family) hotel
Skooglund's Cafeteria
1138 Wilson Ave.
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images Digital Past Uptown Business
Hotel building Chatelaine Ladies Hotel
4911 Winthrop Avenue
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images American Terra Cotta Company Photographs Uptown Built structure
North Shore Hotel
N. Broadway Ave. and W, Sunnyside Ave.
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images ChicagoPC Postcards Uptown Residence (multi-family) hotel
Stellas Rancho Steaks
1116 W Leland Ave
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images Digital Past Uptown Business