
Displaying 41 - 60 of 109
Place Street Address Topic Collection Community Structure Type Denomination Ethnicity Tags
Green Mill Gardens
4806 North Broadway
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports Jazz Age Chicago Uptown nightclub
Rainbo Gardens
4812-4836 North Clark Street
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports Jazz Age Chicago Uptown
Somerset Hotel
5009 N. Sheridan
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports Jazz Age Chicago Uptown hotel
Sheridan Plaza Hotel
4601 North Sheridan Road
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports Jazz Age Chicago Uptown hotel
The Uptown Theater
4817 N. Broadway Ave.
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports User Contributions Uptown Entertainment facility Uptown
Donmoor Hotel
917-925 Eastwood Avenue
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports Jazz Age Chicago Uptown
The Riviera / The Orpheum Theater
4746 N. Racine Ave.
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports User Contributions Uptown Entertainment facility Uptown
Grasmere Hotel
4621 North Sheridan Road
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports Jazz Age Chicago Uptown hotel
Hotel Chelsea
920 West Wilson Avenue
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports Jazz Age Chicago Uptown Uptown
Hotel Leland
1201-1213 West Leland Avenue
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports Jazz Age Chicago Uptown Uptown
Lawrence Hotel
1020 West Lawrence Avenue
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports Jazz Age Chicago Uptown Uptown
Plymouth/Uptown Hotel
Broadway, Leland, and Racine Avenues
Chicago, IL
Arts, Entertainment & Sports Jazz Age Chicago Uptown Uptown
Sandburg, Carl
4646 North Hermitage Ave
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families Chicago Tribute Markers Uptown Monument genealogy
Waller Family Papers
4548 Sheridan Road
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families Midwest Manuscript Collection Uptown Residence Women
Anderson, Margaret
837 West Ainslie Street
Chicago, IL
Individuals & Families Chicago Tribute Markers Uptown Residence The Little Review
American Indian Center
1630 W. Wilson Ave.
Chicago, IL
Groups & Organizations American Indian Chicago Uptown Organization American Indian
McBride Bros. & Knobbe
4617 N. Ravenswood Ave.
Chicago, IL
Groups & Organizations User Contributions Uptown
Waller & Beckwith Realty Co.
660-700 W. Irving Park Rd.
Chicago, IL
Groups & Organizations Midwest Manuscript Collection Uptown Commercial building business
North Shore Hotel
N. Broadway Ave. and W, Sunnyside Ave.
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images ChicagoPC Postcards Uptown Residence (multi-family) hotel
Skooglund's Cafeteria
1138 Wilson Ave.
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images Digital Past Uptown Business