Mary Lyon School |
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
American Terra Cotta Company Photographs |
Belmont Cragin |
Built structure |
Apartment building |
Sheridan Road and Lunt Avenue
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
American Terra Cotta Company Photographs |
Rogers Park |
Residence (multi-family) |
Rogers Park Hotel |
Sheridan Road and Pratt Boulevard
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
ChicagoPC Postcards |
Rogers Park |
Residence (multi-family) |
hotel |
Joseph E. Hesser Garage |
Morse Avenue near Sheridan Road
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
American Terra Cotta Company Photographs |
Rogers Park |
Built structure |
The Ratcliffe Ranger Inn |
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
ChicagoPC Postcards |
Rogers Park |
restaurant |
Frank Benjamin's Chatterbox Restaurant and Lounge |
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
Digital Past |
Rogers Park |
Business |
Broadmoor Apartment Hotel |
Howard and Bosworth Avenues
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
American Terra Cotta Company Photographs |
Rogers Park |
Built structure |
B'Nai Zion Synagogue |
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
American Terra Cotta Company Photographs |
Rogers Park |
Building decoration |
Jewish |
Scot's Restaurant and Lounge |
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
ChicagoPC Postcards |
Rogers Park |
restaurant |
Rogers Park Methodist Episcopal Church |
N. Greenleaf and W. Ashland Blvd.
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
ChicagoPC Postcards |
Rogers Park |
House of worship |
Episcopal |
Hesser's Garage addition |
Morse Avenue and Sheridan Road
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
American Terra Cotta Company Photographs |
Rogers Park |
Built structure |
Hannah store building |
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
American Terra Cotta Company Photographs |
Rogers Park |
Commercial building |
Chatterbox Restaurant |
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
ChicagoPC Postcards |
Rogers Park |
Built structure |
restaurant |
Rubloff stores |
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
American Terra Cotta Company Photographs |
Rogers Park |
Built structure |
Little French Cafe |
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
ChicagoPC Postcards |
Rogers Park |
French |
restaurant |
Allgauer's Nufer Restaurant |
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
ChicagoPC Postcards |
Rogers Park |
Built structure |
restaurant |
Sheridan Beach Hotel |
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
ChicagoPC Postcards |
Rogers Park |
Residence (multi-family) |
hotel |
North Town State Bank building |
southwest corner Devon and Claremont Avenues
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
American Terra Cotta Company Photographs |
West Ridge |
Built structure |
Northwest Baptist |
W. Peterson Ave. & N. Francisco Ave.
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
ChicagoPC Postcards |
West Ridge |
House of worship |
Baptist |
North Town State Bank building |
southwest corner Devon and Claremont Avenues
Chicago, IL
Photographs & Images |
American Terra Cotta Company Photographs |
West Ridge |
Built structure |