
Displaying 1 - 20 of 94
Place Street Address Topic Collection Community Structure Type Denomination Ethnicity Tags
Trinity Norwegian-Danish Lutheran Church
3637 Golf Rd (Evanston)
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Lutheran Churches Lakeview Lutheran
United Lutheran Church
Ridgeland Ave. and Greenfield St. (Oak Park)
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Lutheran Churches Lakeview Lutheran Norwegian
Old Blue Island Cemetery
127th Street and Highland Avenue
Blue Island, IL
Public Spaces Cemeteries Lakeview Open space graveyard
Mary Fenik, deceased
5526 W. 23rd St.
Chciago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview Bohemian
Raymond Graf, deceased
Lemont, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview
John Humpal, deceased
1524 Oak Park Ave.
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview Austrian
Patrick Brady, deceased
1806 S. 57th Court
Cicero, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview Irish
Emmerica Androvits, deceased
5028 W. 24th Pl.
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview Hungarian
Paul Dalgner, deceased
229 Sawyer
LaGrange, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview German
William Fenik, deceased
5526 W. 23rd St.
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview Bohemian
Frank Grajek, deceased
2837 S. 49th Ct.
Cicero, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview Polish
Joel Hunt, deceased
2341 S. 50th
Cicero, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview English
Matilda Bautelspacher, deceased
1412 S. 49th Court
Cicero, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview German
Susana Androvits, deceased
5028 W. 24th Pl.
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview Hungarian
Stanley Danskowski, deceased
5050 W. 32nd St.
Cicero, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview Polish
Helen Fenik, deceased
5526 W. 23rd St.
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview Bohemian
Frank Hajduk, deceased
3100 S. 48th Ct.
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview Austrian
Annie Ignasiak, deceased
3112 S. 48th Ct.
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview Polish
Anna Bizek, deceased
2828 S. 50th Court
Cicero, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview Austrian
Frances Badlewski, deceased
5107 W. 32nd St.
Cicero, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview Polish