
Displaying 1 - 20 of 94
Place Street Address Topic Collection Community Structure Type Denomination Ethnicity Tags
Trinity Norwegian-Danish Lutheran Church
3637 Golf Rd (Evanston)
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Lutheran Churches Lakeview Lutheran
United Lutheran Church
Ridgeland Ave. and Greenfield St. (Oak Park)
Chicago, IL
Religious Institutions Lutheran Churches Lakeview Lutheran Norwegian
Mary Ceranek, deceased
2830 S. 48th Ave
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview Polish
Kate Dubek, deceased
5420 W. 26th
Cicero, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview Bohemian
Lillian Franzen, deceased
5133 22nd Place
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview Swedish
Mary Hill, deceased
1343 S. 56th Ct.
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview
Paul Jahnke, deceased
4817 W. 22nd PL
Cicero, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview Russian
Gertrude Braitsch, deceased
227 Arthur Ave.
Brookfield, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview
James Cihak, deceased
1216 Wenonah
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview Bohemian
Joe Dubek, deceased
5420 W. 26th St.
Cicero, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview Bohemian
Anna Franzen, deceased
5133 22nd Place
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview Swedish
Henry Hill, deceased
1343 S. 56th Ct.
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview
Louise Jahnke, deceased
4817 W. 22nd PL
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview German
Hattie Braitsch, deceased
227 Arthur Ave.
Brookfield, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview
Baby Eleanor Clarke, deceased
5424 W. 24th Pl.
Cicero, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview
Hattie Dubek, deceased
5420 W. 26th St.
Cicero, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview Bohemian
Arthur Frenzen, deceased
5133 22nd Place
Chicago, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview Swedish
Anna K. Hillman, deceased
2314 S. 50th
Cicero, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview German
Frederick Braitsch, deceased
227 Arthur Ave.
Brookfield, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview German
Marie E. Clarke, deceased
5425 W. 24th Pl.
Cicero, IL
Historical Events Eastland Disaster Lakeview Swedish